Get freshly baked tech idea for your next startup backed by data to your inbox weekly!!!

I am Vytautas Sabaliauskas tech enthusiast working in a team with an inner chimp to brainstorm new ideas for you.
I was involved as a founder and product owner in some startups with very different budgets (whole variety from big spenders to budget ones). All were doing the same — building products that started with big hype and ended with a realization that nobody needs them.

You all heard some success stories of big startups trying to build something for 25 times before succeeding. I got inspired by the stories to change my life strategy and made a plan to test 56 ideas in one year — at least 1 idea a week. What could go wrong? I forgot to mention that I had to complete this goal while having a full-time job, loving wife, daughter & cat.
I went even further and decided to share ideas and data gathered during testing with my subscribers.

So understanding more what you will get I will break it down in the idea validation process and what you will get.
Idea validation process
Only your own collected data maters. There is no need to talk to friends, experts about your idea. Only the market can say what it needs and who are interested in the idea.
Idea validation
Explain the idea in one sentence.
What issues are you solving?
Who is your customer?
How does your product improve their lives?
How will your product address these problems?
What types of industries do my potential customers work in?
Market validation
For market validation, I use google Trends/Reddit and other information sources.
For some ideas, we will go further and make ad validation.
Facebook ads let you target audience by interests, age, sex, and so on. I think it’s the best option for validating ideas and collecting real data.
Set your idea a goal —> XYZ -Atleast x% of Y will do Z.
What you will get?
All data gathered during testing - Idea content, market fit, and other useful data.

So you just need to subscribe to receive freshly baked tech ideas backed by data weekly.